The Brand Script: What It Is and Why You Need It
Call it a brand script or value proposition or synopsis… it’s all roughly the same thing: a clear and concise set of words that have been thought out, challenged (with your team or colleagues), rearranged, swapped out, and turned into something that is very clear and memorable for both you and the listener.
A brand script uses the elements of storytelling to connect your customer (the main character) with their pain (the conflict) and how you solve their problem (with a resolution). Once you sprinkle in your credibility as an industry authority (as the author) you will give your potential customer (the reader) a compelling reason to buy from you. (So they can be the hero of their own story!)
I highly recommend Donald Miller’s book Building A Storybrand (as well as the rest of his books) as he uses his background as an experienced author to break down how we can use storytelling in our marketing as business owners.
If you can say what you do in one compelling sentence, you hook your audience.
I end my pitch – that I can recite over and over – with an engaging question. I want to draw out something that might be familiar to them and get the conversation going. It gives them a place to start to engage and be part of my story.
Make your script easy to remember
Another significant piece to consider: it needs to be easy to remember. This is as true for you as it is for your listeners. This way you can both understand and repeat it. Sometimes you have to arrange things in an order that is easy for both you and the listener to remember.
One thing I love about the brand script is that you get to be a bit of an Illusionist. You create some content, some ideas, and then incept them into the mind of your listener. And then they’ll be equipped to share that with their friends and colleagues when the time comes. If done right, you can live rent-free in someone else’s mind for decades.
People don’t buy what they don’t understand
If you’re always there when someone asks about your brand, why does your pitch have to be so keyed in?
First, because you need to captivate your audience. Whether that’s at a cocktail party or a virtual networking event.
Second, because you shouldn’t be the only one talking about what you’re doing.
If you use the right words simply, it’s easier for somebody to share your company or your product or service with somebody who might need it. It is perfect for sales and networking meetings. You can also put this right on your website, brochure, and social media. You can even use it as part of your script for your next video.
Our search for meaning
Having your pitch revolve around a problem and solution is what we crave as humans.
According to molecular biologist John Medina of the University of Washington School of Medicine, the human brain craves meaning before details. When a listener doesn’t understand the overarching idea being presented in a pitch, they have a hard time digesting the information.
Ready to write your brand script?
Download a copy of our free team marketing worksheets here. Want to learn even more? Check out our book and video course, Unify Your Marketing.