Running Team Meetings – The Michael Hyatt Way
Michael Hyatt and Co. published a book a few years ago called No Fail Meetings, and I highly recommend it. He was tired of wasted time, inefficiencies in his company, and lack of inspiration and direction once meetings were over. With his experience with running a large book publishing company for 14 years and then running his own business for nearly a decade, he has been in thousands of meetings.
He has five steps that frame how he shapes meetings that work:
- Decide. What is going to be covered and who is going to attend
- Schedule. With all involved parties at the right time and location
- Prepare. What is the goal of the meeting and what items need to be covered? Use a results-driven agenda.
- Meet. Always start the meeting with what the goal outcome of the meeting is. Be intentional, efficient, and productive
- Follow Up. Review your notes on what tasks have been completed and what is still outstanding.
Michael also references using a template agenda so you can be guided by the template to move the meeting forward and stay on task. If you get derailed by another topic, give that topic a name, make note of it, and address it after the meeting. Give your team a sense of acknowledgment, but remind them that this isn’t the objective of this current meeting.
I like scheduling touchpoint emails/texts/phone calls with my team members to check in and remind them that I’m available to help serve them, and that I care about what they are working on.
My hope is that you can get the most out of your team meetings and continue to create buy-ins from your team and empower them to be solution finders within your organization.
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